Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Where It All Began... Southern Tales of an (Un)Urban Explorer

Front Yard of The "Adabelle Hilton"

Upstairs Living Room "Adabelle Hilton"

Forgotten Boot "Adabelle Hilton"

Summertime Exploring "Adabelle Hilton" 

On May 29th, 2012 my best friend Saralyn and I decided to explore this amazing old two story farm house we have forever deemed the "Adabelle Hilton." The reason for the name is because the house is located in a community known as Adabelle, and Saralyn's dad happened to live in this very house back in the late 1970's, and they referred to it as "the Hilton." (It was a pretty run down house when they lived there too, apparently!) Although this place is not exactly the first house we decided to explore, it is the one that started our fascination with these old, forgotten time capsule houses.

 The original beginnings started with a boring Halloween night and a search for something fun, cheap, and creepy to do. (And yeah, MAYBE a few drinks were involved in that decision.) But if it weren't for that adventurous Halloween night, I wouldn't have this amazing collection of photos to share of locations people have long forgotten about!

Over the last 3 years, I have seen some pretty incredible places, and my love for history has grown so very much though these late night adventures. (Cause really, if you are going to explore a long forgotten and grown up abandoned house, you might as well get the dark and creepy vibe going!) I will always be searching for more and I'm excited to give people a glimpse into the past and peeks into places that they never knew were even there. If it's creepy, abandoned, grown up, and forgotten, it definitely has my name on it, and I WILL find it. (To Google Maps I go!)

- Miranda

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